  • Fema Test answers IS-520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas FEMA test answers


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-520: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas FEMA test answers

Course Date


Course Overview

This course introduces students to the characteristics of a pandemic influenza, the effects that a pandemic influenza can have on every facet of our society, and the steps their organizations can take to minimize the effects of a pandemic.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

  • Explain the differences between seasonal influenza and pandemic influenza.
  • Relate the effects of a pandemic influenza to daily organizational operations and basic services.
  • Describe strategies for resolving continuity challenges presented in a pandemic situation.

Primary Audience

The primary audiences for this course are personnel at any level of government, representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), or representatives from private industry who may have a need for a basic understanding of pandemic influenza and the impacts that they can expect should a widespread pandemic occur in the United States.





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