  • IS-293: Mission Assignment Overview - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-293: Mission Assignment Overview - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-293 2021 ediion: Mission Assignment Overview


IS-293 2021 Edition: Mission Assignment Overview

This study guide includes all correct answers for the IS-293 2021 edition: Mission Assignment Overview course. This course is designed to provide basic training on the Resource Request and Mission Assignment process, from the initial request for federal assistance to the closeout of the MA.

Course Date: 2/24/2021

Course Overview

The course covers the fundamentals of the Resource Request and Mission Assignment process, including the Request for Federal Assistance, Resource Request Form, and the roles and responsibilities of key staff involved in the process. It also delves into the various phases of the MA, from issuance to billing and closeout.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define the Request for Federal Assistance and its authorities
  • Understand the Resource Request process and Resource Request Form
  • Define Mission Assignments, their types, and their relationship to disaster operations
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of key staff involved in the Resource Request and MA process, including FEMA, state, tribal, and other federal agencies
  • Explain the various elements of the MA phases, from issuance to billing, reimbursement, and closeout

Primary Audience

This course is open to all FEMA/DHS, state, local, tribal, and other federal agency program and financial staff who have a role or interest in the MA process.



CEUs: 0.3

For more information regarding this course, please visit the FEMA training website at