  • IS-350: Mitigation Planning for Tribal Communities test answers

IS-350: Mitigation Planning for Tribal Communities test answers


IS-350: Mitigation Planning for Tribal Communities Test Answers

This study guide includes correct answers for the IS-350: Mitigation Planning for Tribal Communities course. The course date is 9/3/2021 and the goal is to provide tribal officials, planners, emergency managers, and other partners with the information necessary to prepare and implement a Tribal hazard mitigation plan. The emphasis is on involving the right people and working through the full planning process.

Course Overview

The course objectives are to:

  • Describe the hazard mitigation planning process and engage community members
  • Identify at-risk community assets and hazards as they relate to risk assessment
  • Identify vulnerabilities, assess their impacts, and evaluate community capabilities
  • Develop a mitigation strategy based on the risk assessment and community capabilities
  • Maintain a hazard mitigation plan
  • Implement a hazard mitigation plan
  • Understand available mitigation funding and assistance

There are no prerequisites for this course and it is worth 0.6 CEUs. This study guide provides the correct answers for the test, allowing you to confidently prepare for and pass the IS-350 exam. With this guide, you will have a thorough understanding of the mitigation planning process and be able to effectively engage community members and develop a comprehensive hazard mitigation plan for your tribal community.