E0179: Application of Hazus for Disaster Operations

E0179: Application of Hazus for Disaster Operations



Course Details

Course Description

This course builds valuable skills for effectively using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools, with emphasis on Hazus, to support disaster operations. Participants learn how GIS can support the activities that disaster management teams perform. Particular emphasis is placed on strategies for identifying, acquiring, and analyzing appropriate GIS compatible data for disaster operations. Numerous hands-on activities provide examples of effective applications of GIS tools, with a focus on Hazus.


These activities address areas such as debris management, sheltering, and infrastructure damage assessment. Participants also complete a capstone activity that provides an opportunity to use Hazus to support a realistic disaster scenario that is based on a community of interest to the participants.


Selection Criteria: FEMA Mitigation staff, Mitigation Disaster Reservists, and state Building Science and GIS professionals; additionally, Federal, state, local, and tribal officials who have a role and responsibility in the Joint Field Office (JFO), with priority given to Mitigation, Individual Assistance (IA), and Public Assistance (PA). The course also targets select decision-makers on the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC), in the Regional Operations Center, and the state Emergency Operations Center.


ACE: Level: Vocational Certificate

ACE: Credit Hours: 4

CECs: 12

Course Objectives


  • Explain how the roles and responsibilities of the disaster operations team can be supported by geospatial tools and data.
  • Explain how the capabilities of Hazus can support disaster operations activities.
  • Identify strategies for improving Hazus inputs and other related GIS data in order to derive the most benefit from GIS tools when applied to disaster operations.

Mission Areas

  • Common


Prerequisites Courses:

  • E0313: Basic Hazus
Other Prerequisites:

Skills equivalent to those taught in E0190, ArcGIS for Emergency Managers

Recommended: E0317, Comprehensive Data Management for Hazus; E0170, Hazus for Hurricane; E0172, Hazus for Flood; and E0174, Hazus for Earthquake


  • Emergency Management


National Preparedness Course Catalog
