  • IS-1015: Insurance Considerations, Compliance, and Requirements - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-1015: Insurance Considerations, Compliance, and Requirements Fema Test Answers Official Site

IS-1015: Insurance Considerations, Compliance, and Requirements


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-1015: Insurance Considerations, Compliance, and Requirements


Course Date


Course Overview

The course provides an overview of the role of insurance in the Public Assistance process. By the end of the course, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Applicants and Recipients will be able to understand most common insurance considerations, compliance, and requirements as it relates to the potential impacts of Public Assistance grant funding.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the most common types of insurance coverage.
  • Explain the importance of disclosing and documenting all existing insurance policies early in the disaster recovery process.
  • Summarize the process for insurance reviews, including documentation requirements, key roles, and responsibilities.
  • Discuss how insurance coverages can potentially affect funding and conditions of the grant award.
  • Identify where in Grants Portal insurance documents, reviews, and conditions are retained.






Course Length:

3.25 hours