IS-900 FEMA Test Answers & Study Guides | Verified & Updated
Find accurate and up-to-date FEMA test answers for IS-900 courses. Get verified study guides to pass your FEMA certification exams with confidence. Instant access to trusted resources!
Course Offerings
Welcome to FEMA Test Answers, where we provide detailed resources for FEMA IS-900 to IS-999 courses. Our materials cover crucial topics in emergency management, including active shooter scenarios, workplace security, critical infrastructure protection, and more. Here’s a breakdown of the courses available:
IS-904: Active Shooter Prevention: You Can Make a Difference
Learn strategies for preventing active shooter incidents and how you can contribute to safety. Released on 9/2/2021.
IS-905: Responding to an Active Shooter: You Can Make a Difference
Gain essential skills for responding to active shooter situations effectively. Updated on 12/14/2022.
IS-906: Workplace Security Awareness
Understand the fundamentals of maintaining security in the workplace. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-907: Active Shooter: What You Can Do
Explore practical actions to take in the event of an active shooter scenario. Available in foreign languages, released on 12/28/2015.
IS-908: Emergency Management for Senior Officials
Delve into the role of senior officials in emergency management and their responsibilities. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-909: Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone
Discover easy-to-implement activities that enhance community preparedness. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-912: Retail Security Awareness: Understanding the Hidden Hazards
Learn about security challenges specific to the retail sector and how to address them. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-913.a: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience: Achieving Results through Partnership and Collaboration
Explore how partnerships and collaboration can improve infrastructure security and resilience. Updated on 11/1/2013.
IS-914: Surveillance Awareness: What You Can Do
Understand the importance of surveillance in security and what actions you can take. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-915: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats
Learn methods to safeguard critical infrastructure from insider threats. Released on 7/10/2013.
IS-916: Critical Infrastructure Security: Theft and Diversion – What You Can Do
Gain insights into preventing theft and diversion of critical infrastructure. Released on 10/31/2013.
IS-922.a: Applications of GIS for Emergency Management
Discover how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be utilized in emergency management. Updated on 7/6/2021.
IS-951: DHS Radio Interoperability
Understand the principles of radio interoperability within the Department of Homeland Security. Released on 9/22/2016.
Why Choose Us?
FEMA Test Answers provides a thorough selection of study guides and accurate test answers for FEMA IS-900 to IS-999 courses. Our resources are designed to help you understand and apply critical concepts in emergency management, from handling active shooter situations to protecting critical infrastructure and enhancing community preparedness.
Explore our site to access up-to-date study materials and prepare confidently for your FEMA courses and certifications. Empower yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to make a difference in emergency situations!
IS-906: Basic Workplace Security Awareness
- Description: This course provides guidance to individuals and organizations on how to improve the security in your workplace and presents information on how employees can contribute to their organization’s security. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-907: Active Shooter: What You Can Do
- Description: This course provides guidance to individuals, including managers and employees, so that they can prepare to respond to an active shooter situation. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-908: Emergency Management for Senior Officials
- Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce senior officials to the important role they play in emergency management. This course presents simple steps an official can take to become acquainted with their emergency management role, authorities, and team members. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-909: Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone
- Description: The purpose of this course is to present a model program for community preparedness. In addition, resources are available to help organizations conduct simple preparedness activities for everyone. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-912: Retail Security Awareness: Understanding the Hidden Hazards
- Description: The purpose of this course is to make persons involved in commercial retail operations aware of the actions they can take to identify and report suspicious purchases or thefts of products that actors could use in terrorist or other criminal activities. This course provides an overview of prevention steps aimed at identifying and monitoring high-risk inventory products and reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement agencies. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.0
IS-913.a: Critical Infrastructure Protection: Achieving Results through Partnership and Collaboration
- Description: The purpose of this course is to introduce the skills and tools to effectively achieve results for critical infrastructure security and resilience through partnership and collaboration. The course provides an overview of the elements of and processes to develop and sustain successful critical infrastructure partnerships. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.2
IS-914: Surveillance Awareness: What You Can Do
- Description: The purpose of this course is to make critical infrastructure employees and service providers aware of actions they can take to detect and report suspicious activities associated with adversarial surveillance. To achieve this goal, the course provides an overview of surveillance activities and the indicators associated with them, as well as the actions that employees and service providers can take to report potential surveillance incidents. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-915: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats
- Description: This course provides guidance to critical infrastructure employees and service providers on how to identify and take action against insider threats to critical infrastructure. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-916: Critical Infrastructure Security: Theft and Diversion - What You Can Do
- Description: This course introduces critical infrastructure personnel to the information they need and the resources available to them to identify threats and vulnerabilities to critical infrastructure from the theft and diversion of critical resources, raw materials, and products that can be used for criminal or terrorist activities. The course also identifies actions that participants can take to reduce or prevent theft and diversion. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-920: FEMA Performance Management Program
- Description: This course provides an overview of the Performance Management Program covering performance planning with results-oriented and SMART goals, progress reviews with coaching and feedback, and the annual appraisal. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-921.a: Implementing Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
- Description: This course introduces those with critical infrastructure duties and responsibilities at the State, local, tribal, and territorial levels to the information they need and the resources available to them in the execution of the mission to secure and improve resilience in the Nation’s critical infrastructure. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.3
IS-922: Applications of GIS for Emergency Management
- Description: The goal of this course is to explore how GIS technology can support the emergency management community. Topics addressed in this course include GIS fundamentals and history, how GIS is used in emergency management, and tools available to enhance GIS usefulness. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.3
IS-923: Performance Management - Goal Writing
- Description: This course provides an overview of the goal writing process for performance management. The primary audience for this course is Supervisors and Managers. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-930: Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) System: Leadership Training
- Description: The goal of this course is to introduce the Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) system to leaders in organizations responsible for planning and executing an incident response that optimizes the health and safety of response, remediation, recovery, and volunteer workers. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.1
IS-951: DHS Radio Interoperability
- Description: The intent of the DHS Radio Interoperability Course is to provide a mechanism for DHS employees in all related disciplines who utilize radio communications systems to understand the operation of portable/mobile radios, the basics of how radio systems work, and the principles and concepts of interoperable communications (especially within the National Incident Management System). Additionally, this training will provide instruction on how to locate and properly use the DHS Common Interoperability Channels. fema test answers
- CEUs: 0.2