  • IS-1116: Sales for Agents - FEMA Test Answers
  • IS-1116: Sales for Agents - FEMA Test Answers

IS-1116: Sales for Agents


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-1116: Sales for Agents


Course Date


Course Overview

This course for insurance agents provides information on marketing to increase flood insurance policy sales and highlights FEMA and National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) marketing resources. The course also provides agents with talking points and tips for overcoming common objections and flood insurance myths.

Course Objectives:

  • Summarize why an agent should sell flood insurance
  • Describe ways for agents to grow their flood business
  • Identify sales and marketing resources available to agents
  • Provide agents with building blocks to start a conversation about the benefits of a flood insurance policy and overcome common objections






For more information regarding this course please visit