  • IS-551: Devolution Planning answers 2019 - FEMA Test Answers
  • IS-551: Devolution Planning answers 2019 - FEMA Test Answers

IS-551: Devolution Planning answers 2019


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-551: Devolution Planning 2019


Course Date


Course Overview

This course is designed to provide you with the tools and practical knowledge necessary to develop your organization’s devolution plans and procedures.

Course Objectives:

Upon completing this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify the conditions under which devolution would be appropriate for your organization.
  2. Describe the activation protocols for devolution.
  3. Tailor the devolution template to meet your organizations needs.
  4. Identify special considerations for devolution planning.

Primary Audience

Government continuity managers and planners.


IS-546a and IS-547a



For more information regarding this course please visit