  • IS-915: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-915: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-915 TEST ANSWERS: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats


This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-915 TEST ANSWERS: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Insider Threats

Course Overview

This course provides guidance to critical infrastructure employees and service providers on how to identify and take action against insider threats to critical infrastructure.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the threat that malicious insiders pose to critical infrastructure.
  • Identify common characteristics and indicators associated with malicious insiders.
  • Identify actions that can be taken against insider threats.

Primary Audience


This course is designed for all personnel and service providers who are associated with critical infrastructure.




There are no prerequisites for this course. However, participants should take IS-906, Workplace Security Awareness, to provide a foundation for this course.




For more information regarding this course please visit