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IS-242.C: Effective Communication fema test answers


IS-242.C: Effective Communication FEMA Test Answers | FEMA Test Answer Guide

IS-242.C: Effective Communication FEMA Test Answers

Study guide with correct answers for the IS-242.C: Effective Communication course, including the course overview and objectives.

Product Title: IS-242.C: Effective Communication FEMA Test Answers

This study guide includes all the correct answers for IS-242.C: Effective Communication Course (Date: 8/13/2021).

Course Overview

This course is designed to improve your communication skills. It covers:

  • Basic communication skills
  • How to communicate effectively in an emergency
  • Identifying community-specific communication issues
  • Using technology as a communication tool
  • Effective oral communication
  • How to prepare an oral presentation

Course Objectives

The course aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify factors that contribute to and detract from effective communication
  • Develop a strategy for ensuring that emergency communications meet the needs of the whole community, including those with access and functional needs
  • Identify strategies for communicating effectively in emergency situations
  • Identify strategies for improving your oral presentation skills

Prerequisites: None

CEUs: 0.8

For more information regarding this course, please visit the official FEMA course page.