  • IS-1024: Water and Wastewater Treatment System Considerations - FEMA Test Answers
  • IS-1024: Water and Wastewater Treatment System Considerations - FEMA Test Answers

IS-1024: Water and Wastewater Treatment System Considerations


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-1024: Water and Wastewater Treatment System Considerations


Course Date


Course Overview

The course provides an overview of water and wastewater treatment systems considerations. By the end of the course, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Applicants and Recipients will be able to understand all aspects of water and wastewater treatment system considerations.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe Public Assistance policy and guidance related to water and wastewater treatment systems.
  • Identify common reasons why water and wastewater treatment systems projects are deemed ineligible for Public Assistance grant funding.
  • Identify documentation considerations associated with water and wastewater treatment systems, including documenting damage prior to repair.
  • Identify special considerations for eligible water and wastewater treatment systems projects.






Course Length:

3 hours