  • IS-872.A: Dams Sector: Protective Measures - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-872.A TEST ANSWERS : Dams Sector: Protective test answers


This study guide includes all correct answers for

IS-872.A: Dams Sector: Protective  test answers

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the mission and partners of the Dams Sector.
  • Describe the steps for establishing a protective program.
  • Identify the elements of the risk management model.
  • Describe strategies for reducing risk.
  • Identify the general categories of protective measures.
  • Describe how protective measures relate to threat levels.
  • Select potential protective measures to address a threat when given a scenario.


Primary Audience

Dams Sector stakeholders, including owners and operators, with emphasis on those seeking the fundamentals of the protective measure elements of a risk management program. Note: This course is designated For Official Use Only.



It is recommended that course participants complete the IS-870 Dams Sector: Crisis Management course and IS-871.a, Dams Sector: Security Awareness prior to completing this course.  The IS-870 course is available through EMI at the following link:




For more information regarding this course please visit