  • IS-1150: DHS Human Trafficking Awareness for FEMA Employees - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-1150: DHS Human Trafficking Awareness for FEMA Employees


This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-1150: DHS Human Trafficking Awareness for FEMA Employees

Course Overview

This course will provide FEMA personnel with information explaining human trafficking and differentiating it from human smuggling. Then, through a series of interactive, real-life based scenarios, the viewer will see how FEMA employees might encounter victims of human trafficking and traffickers themselves. Finally, the viewer will be provided guidance and resources should the employee identify human trafficking both in one’s professional capacity and private capacity.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify indications of human trafficking victims.
  • Compare the similarities and difference between "human trafficking" and "smuggling."
  • Describe 4 different types of immigration relief.
  • Identify possible indicators of human trafficking that they may encounter on the job.
  • Describe the actions that they should take when observing suspicious activities.






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