  • IS-207: Overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS) - FEMA Test Answers
  • IS-207: Overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS) - FEMA Test Answers

IS-207: Overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS)


IS-207: Overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS)

This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-207: Overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS) Course Overview. This independent study course provides an overview of the FEMA Qualification System (FQS) and the Qualification Review Boards (QRBs). The course is applicable to all FEMA employees with disaster workforce responsibilities, and includes descriptions of the FQS qualification and QRB certification processes. The course also includes a hypothetical scenario depicting how a FEMA employee may progress through the FQS process.

Course Objectives:

  • Explain how FQS benefits FEMA, communities impacted by incidents, and the FEMA workforce.
  • Describe the processes and procedures of the FQS.
  • Describe how an employee progresses through the FQS from trainee to qualified status.

Primary Audience: All FEMA employees regardless of their position grade and appointment status including: Disaster assistance employees (DAEs), Permanent full time (PFT) employees, Cadre of on-call response/recovery employees (COREs), and Temporary full-time (TFT) employees.

Prerequisites: None

CEUs: 0.1