  • IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings


IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings

This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-279.A: Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Buildings.

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide essential, nontechnical information about retrofitting existing flood-prone residential structures as presented in the third edition of FEMA P-259, Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures (FEMA 2012).

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the following basic retrofitting methods that are appropriate for one- to four-family residential buildings in flood-prone areas (except Zone V):
    • Elevation
    • Relocation
    • Flood Walls and Levees
    • Wet Floodproofing
    • Dry Floodproofing
  • Identify National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policy, regulations, building codes, and standards that govern retrofitting projects
  • Evaluate the suitability of retrofitting measures for individual residential buildings
  • Understand the factors, both flood-related and non-flood-related, that control the design and selection of a retrofitting measure

Primary Audience

The primary audience for this course is engineers and architects. Floodplain Managers and Building Code Officials are also encouraged to attend. Hazard Mitigation, Planning, Zoning, Public Works, and other building officials with building science knowledge and also those from the private sector, such as engineering firms, may also apply.



CEUs: 1

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