  • IS-908: Emergency Management for Senior Officials - FEMA Test Answers Official Site
  • IS-908: Emergency Management for Senior Officials - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

IS-908 TEST ANSWERS: Emergency Management for Senior Officials


This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-908 TEST ANSWERS: Emergency Management for Senior Officials

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to introduce senior officials to the important role they play in emergency management. The responsibility for preparing for, responding to, and recovering from incidents, both natural and manmade, begins at the local level – with individuals and public officials in the county, city, or town affected by the incident. This course presents:

  • Simple steps official can take to become acquainted with their emergency management role, authorities, and team members.
  • Video presentations sharing lessons learned from officials of the City of Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana.

Course Objectives:

At the completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the emergency management role assumed by senior officials, describe emergency management authorities,
  • Identify emergency management team members,
  • Describe the purpose of an emergency operations plan, state the importance of resource management, training, and exercises,
  • Identify the role of the senior official during a crisis, and describe the importance of involving the whole community in preparedness.

Primary Audience

Senior officials, including mayors, city managers, and county managers.





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