E0214: Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Project Implementation and Closeout

E0214: Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Project Implementation and Closeout



Course Details

Course Description

This course will provide course participants with the knowledge and skills required to effectively implement and closeout a Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant project.

Selection Criteria: The primary audience for this course includes personnel of local jurisdictions, tribal governments, and private non-profit organizations that are eligible applicants for Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants; state mitigation staffs responsible for assisting Unified HMA sub-applicants; FEMA employees who assist state mitigation staff and/or who are responsible for monitoring Unified HMA grant awards; and staffs of public or private sector organizations that offer consulting services to Unified HMA grant applicants. The secondary audience for this course includes state and tribal liaisons, environmental planning and historical preservation staff, Federal Coordinating Officers, and Grants Program Directorate staff.

CECs: 12

Course Objectives

  • Explain the project activities that occur in the three phases of project implementation (i.e., Initiation and Planning, Execution and Monitoring, and Closeout) and apply the regulatory requirements and best practices that will help them successfully accomplish each phase.
  • Explain the seven project management principles that support the three phases of project implementation and apply those principles through the use of best practices, tools, and templates.

Mission Areas

  • Mitigation


  • Emergency Management

Primary Core Capability

Long-term Vulnerability Reduction



National Preparedness Course Catalog
