FEMA Test Answers – IS-700.B: Introduction to the National Incident Management System
Published on: December 28, 2024
Understanding the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Understanding NIMS is a key part of passing FEMA testing. Here’s an introduction to help get you test-ready.
The FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) IS-700.B Test consists of 49 questions. It covers a general overview of NIMS and the program’s approach to guiding communities through emergencies. It tests knowledge on the concepts, core components of the National Incident Management System.
This article provides an overview of the concepts you encounter in NIMS IS-700.B training, as well as answers to the test questions. Study up on the key concepts that the test covers on the National Incident Management System.
Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
September 11, 2001, marked a turning point in the nation’s approach to emergencies that arise on home soil. Before, the United States lacked a coordinated system for dealing with national emergencies. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) seeks to rectify that problem.
NIMS is under the direction of FEMA. It was created by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a part of the department’s goal of disaster prevention and management. NIMS aims to provide a system of managing disasters of all shapes and sizes. The core of the system is flexibility and standardization.
The NIMS program instills standardized procedures and vocabulary at the local, state, and federal levels. It also provides resources that are available to utilize by managers, private sector actors, and NGOs. The goal is resource allocation, cross-organizational cooperation, and a clear command structure.
NIMS provides a standard approach for governmental, private, and non-governmental organizations to work together in the protection, response, and recovery efforts from national incidents.
Incident Command System (ICS)
The model for managing incidents through NIMS is the Incident Command System or ICS. ICS standardizes the management of on-scene disaster response and organization. The model provides incident-management operational procedures for in-field personnel, jurisdictions, and agencies.
The ICS model defines a hierarchy of command, management, processes, and protocols for dealing with disaster incidents. The details of the ICS model structure are the result of careful development and refinement, using data and learning from past disasters.
Each level of command within the ICS model is a sector, led by a sector chief. The model describes the chain of command and purpose as follows:
- Command: Approving resource orders and developing incident objectives.
- Operations: Supervises resource allocation by identifying and assigning resources to best complete an incident objective.
- Planning: Keeps track of resources throughout the allocation process.
- Logistics: Sources and orders resources as dictated by operations.
- Finance and Administration: Responsible for the purchasing and procurement of resources as dictated by command and operations.
NIMS Test Overview
The test to become NIMS certified is administered by the Emergency Management Institute. NIMS testing takes place across the country, in every state. It involves a course curriculum that takes you through eight lessons.
The first lesson covers the fundamentals and concepts of the NIMS program. The second and third lessons cover resource management and the characteristics of management processes.
The fourth and fifth lessons cover information on the Incident Command System and the Emergency Operations Centers (EOC). Lessons six and seven go over the structure and interconnectivity of NIMS through communication management. And, lesson eight is an overview course summary.
The course culminates in a final exam. The IS-700.B test is in the full list of courses for FEMA NIMS training.
You can even convert your FEMA courses to college credits and put them toward a bachelor’s degree in emergency management.
FEMA NIMS Test Answers
Note, that this guide is a study aid and is in no way a copy of the actual test. The questions in this guide are similar to questions on the real test, but they are not directly copied. The answers to the FEMA NIMS Test IS-700.B undergo slight alterations every year.
Use this example test as your study guide and be prepared for questions that cover other subjects from the NIMS curriculum. Use the full NIMS IS-700.B test for more sample questions.
Here are some sample questions that you will find on the IS-700.B test:
- What is the purpose of NIMS?
- What are the core components of the Incident Command System?
- How do NIMS and ICS work together in disaster response?
Final Thoughts
FEMA NIMS covers all organizations within the United States. The protocols it describes are uniform for all entities and agencies. Standardizing the way in which the United States responds and mitigates national incidents enables faster and more effective recovery.
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