  • IS-30.B: Mitigation eGrants System for the Subgrant Applicant - FEMA Test Answers Official Site

    IS-30.B: Mitigation eGrants System for the Subgrant Applicant


    This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-30.B: Mitigation eGrants System for the Subgrant Applicant

    Course Date


    Course Overview

    This course is part of the comprehensive training program for the FEMA egrants system. It is the first in a series of Independent Study (IS) courses for the eGrants and will address the functions in the eGrants External System used by Subapplicants.

    Course Objectives:


    1. Complete a sub-application in eGrants
    2. Review a sub-application in eGrants
    3. Submit a sub-application to an Applicant using eGrants
    4. Check the status of a sub-application in eGrants
    5. Revise a sub-application in eGrants


    Primary Audience

    Whole Community






    For more information regarding this course please visit