  • IS-421: Overview of the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program - FEMA Test Answers
  • IS-421: Overview of the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program - FEMA Test Answers

IS-421: Overview of the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program


This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-421: Overview of the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program

Course Overview

Since 1983, the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP) has helped people facing economic crises. The program is a unique public-private partnership that brings the voluntary sector and the government together to address critical human needs in the areas of hunger and homelessness. This course gives a brief overview of the EFSP.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the responsibilities and requirements of the National Board, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the State Set-Aside (SSA) Committees.
  • Identify the responsibilities and requirements of the Local Boards to award EFSP funds properly and effectively at the local level.
  • Identify basic responsibilities and requirements of all EFSP-funded Local Recipient Organizations (LROs) regarding program compliance.

Primary Audience

Members of the EFSP National Board, Local Boards, and Local Recipient Organizations.



