E0103: Planning: Emergency Operations FEMA Test Answers
Course Details
- IS0100.c: An Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
- IS0120.c: An Introduction to Exercises
- IS0200.c: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS0230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- IS0700.b: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS0800.c: National Response Framework, An Introduction
Course Description
The content also derives from the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, Developing and Maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local Government Emergency Plans, and its six-step planning process and inclusive whole community philosophy. Likewise, doctrine from the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 201, Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), is included in the course. Special event planning is then explained in the course, and table group activities to analyze plans for special events are conducted.
Selection Criteria: This course is intended for newly appointed emergency managers from Federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and emergency management agencies, and prospective professionals transferring from another discipline to emergency management.
ACE: Level: Lower Division / Associate
ACE: Credit Hours: 1
CECs: 12
Course Objectives
- Explain the relationships among preparedness, THIRA, and emergency operations planning.
- Identify the steps in the emergency planning process and their expected outcomes.
- Describe the purpose and components of an Emergency Operations Plan.
- Apply the emergency planning principles and process in evaluating an Emergency Operations Plan.
Mission Areas
- Common
- IS0100.c: An Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
- IS0120.c: An Introduction to Exercises
- IS0200.c: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- IS0230.d: Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- IS0700.b: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- IS0800.c: National Response Framework, An Introduction
- Emergency Management
Primary Core Capability
National Preparedness Course Catalog