
IS-250.A: Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF15) External


IS-250.A: Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF15) External

This study guide includes all correct answers for IS-250.A: Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF15) External.

Course Overview

The goal of this course is to provide basic training on the concept and practical application of the ESF 15 Standard Operating Procedures to all FEMA External Affairs staff, regardless of duty station, as well as to staff in all other agency divisions and federal, tribal, state, local, private sector, military and Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) partners. This course is offered as an Independent Study course, with an optional conference call session available to students who have additional questions. Students view videos online in conjunction with using the IS-250 course materials and web-based resources to complete the final exam online.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to have a better understanding of how ESF 15 is activated and how the External Affairs concept helps make incident communication more integrated, comprehensive and empowered.

Primary Audience

The course is intended for use by FEMA External Affairs staff and all federal agencies that are signatories of the National Response Plan (NRP). Additionally, state and locals partners that may adopt the External Affairs/ESF 15 concept may find this course helpful in its implementation.



